Now, I am ashamed to admit that I have a lovely sewing machine gathering dust in the corner of my closet. I also have several pairs of expensive jeans that have sat next to that sewing machine for over a year waiting to be shortened the extra foot or so that will enable me to actually wear them.

If you want to check out Tanglebank Gardens we hear they have an amazing Christmas display in their stylish gift shop. http://tanglebank.com/
If you want to try your hand at quilting, or if you just want to learn more about Dougal Walker and her beautiful quilts, her designer label is "The Freckles Collection." http://frecklescollection.com
Our next Steveston Farmers Market is on September 26th... hopefully it isn't as rainy as it was this week! We are taking orders for Thanksgiving, so if you want to make sure you have turkey cookies for your Thanksgiving table place settings, get your orders in now -- there are no minimums if you pick up at a future market (Sept 26th or October 10th Thanksgiving).