As for why we haven't been blogging so much, we have been quite busy through October and November with all kinds of exciting orders ranging from logo treats for corporate meetings, to favours for milestone birthdays, to silent auction gift basket donations. A particularly special order was for cookie favours celebrating the Canadian Red Cross' 100th anniversary. We were extremely proud when we were asked to create some cookies to help commemorate the event-- pictures coming soon!
If you are planning on placing a cookie order for the holidays, please contact us well in advance to avoid disappointment... we are already filling up our December calendar with orders.
Thanks for tuning in, and we hope to see you on the 28th :)
Steveston Community Centre Craft Fair, Saturday, Nov. 28, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Steveston Community Centre (4111 Moncton St.), in the tennis shed.
Entry by donation - cash or food. For more information call the Steveston Community Society at 604-718-808 or www.richmond.ca/parksrec/centres/stevestoncentre/steveston/htm