Thanks again to everyone for your support of our little cookie business. It means a lot to us when you come visit us at the markets and follow our activity on our website, Facebook and Twitter. Your enthusiasm for what we are doing drives our creativity and inspires us to create new products and designs. Thank you!

I also saw some owl friends in the window at Violet Hill Clothing boutique and in the change room when I was trying on a gorgeous blouse. Apparently, the owl clothes hooks in there come from one of my other absolute favourite shops in Steveston, Nikaido, which carries all things beautiful and delightful. http://violethillclothing.blogspot.com/
Further afield from Steveston, in Gastown, I always stop for an ogle at Parliament-- an uber-stylish, yet surprisingly affordable shop for all things modern and cool for the home. 'Parliament' it turns out, is not only where our government does their business, but also the term for a group of owls. So of course, Parliament the shop is full of owl motifs, statues and other treats. http://www.parliamentinteriors.com/
A friend of mine, talented photographer and jewellery maker Rubina Mangat, also loves owls and made me a gorgeous necklace that features a silver owl whose belly holds one of her amazing photos. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Whisper-Photography-Jewels/187239068023?v=photos#!/photo.php?fbid=271629138023&set=a.187262848023.129358.187239068023
With this owl trend growing rapidly, I couldn't wait to try out owl cookies. The result, I think, is funny and adorable. I was actually giggling a little as I put the finishing touches on these silly birds. Aren't they just a hoot? No wonder these little guys are becoming so popular!
And now off to prepare a different sort of bird for Thanksgiving dinner: Round Two! Thanks again for all of your support :)
- Mika